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JC FALCÓN was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (Spain). He wrote, directed and produced his first short feature in 1995. This was followed by several other award-winning shorts. He worked as director of IMACINE –International Short Film Festival in Maspalomas– and as creator and director of official publicity campaigns for the Canary Islands, cultural and music videos. Later on, he wrote and directed in Spain the critically acclaimed and award winning feature film LA CAJA (THE WOODEN BOX). Produced by the Academy Award nominee and Goya award winning Producer Andrés Santana and starring Goya award winning actresses Elvira Minguez and Angela Molina. LA CAJA won acclaim and awards from around the globe. Such acknowledments include winning the Violet d’Or at the Toulouse Film Festival (France), the Golden Zenith award (Best First Film) at the Montréal World Film Festival (Canada), Best Film at Europacinema Film Festival (Italy) and Audience Award at the Las Palmas Film Festival (Spain) among others. In the following years Falcon has written the scripts for tv-movies and entertainment shows for television. In 2013 he moved out to Los Angeles and he has been working in both countries. He wrote, co-produced and directed in Los Angeles the award-winning short-film “GREEN CARD, BLACK RICE”, then he wrote and directed another short in Madrid “NUMBER 2, IF I WERE MARILYN” which is still on Festivals and has won up to 15 awards worldwide so far. In 2014 he also co-wrote and directed the award-winning short-film in Los Angeles “MAINTENANCE REQUIRED” which is also still on Festivals worldwide. In 2015 he wrote and directed in LA the feature film “PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW”, released on September 2016, which so far has won Director's Award and Audience Award at Cinema Diverse Film Festival, Palm Springs 2016. It is available on Netflix worldwide.